HR PressOur plugin is designed to help you manage and streamline all aspects of HR within your organization, including: Department, Designations, Shifts, Leaves, Holidays etc.

Power Up Your Workspace With Hr Press
Management System
Leave ManagementStreamline and automate the process of tracking and approving employee leave requests.
Holiday ManagementTrack and manage employee holidays and time off requests.
Employee AnnouncementsKeep your employees informed and engaged with company-wide announcements and updates, including news, policies, and employee recognition.

Why Hr Press is more
DesignationsTrack and manage employee designations, including job titles and roles within the organization.
DepartmentsEasily track and manage employee departments, including information such as department name, head of department, and employee count.
ShiftsEasily schedule and track employee shifts, including shift start and end times, break times, and shift duration.
HolidaysTrack and manage employee holidays, including approved and pending leave requests, and ensure that the business has sufficient staffing coverage during the holiday period.
LeavesEasily track and manage employee leave requests and absences, including sick leave, vacation leave, and personal leave.
AttendanceEasily track and manage employee attendance, including time in and time out, absences, and tardiness.
AnnouncementsKeep employees informed and engaged with company announcements, including updates on company policies and procedures, changes to benefits or pay, and important news or developments within the organization.
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Ultimate WordPress plugin for managing your company’s human resources.