Astory Astory is a super fast, easily customizable, multi-purpose theme. It’s perfect for blogs, small business, startups, agencies, firms, personal portfolio sites and most types of projects. A fully optimized and responsive theme, Astory will load in mere seconds and adapt perfectly on any viewing device.

Creativity helps you
build beautiful theme for your needs
Simply Copy & PasteYou do not need any coding or web site building knowledge to use astory theme.
Easy to CustomizeAstory is very simple and easy to customize according to your needs
Made with LoveWe love creating theme and solution that are simple as possible for end users
Maximum possible perfomance
We completely overthink how assets are working in wordpress
and added unique system for asset loading
and added unique system for asset loading
This is not a joke. Theme uses only 100kb required assets, all other are generated on fly accordingly to blocks on page
No jquery, no font, no icon libraries. Everything is custom made to have best perfomance.
For special blocks, that are prebuild for light and dark mode.
0.3 s
1.2 s
1.2 s

You don’t need to worry about theme assets to make them optimized. Theme has optimized assets as much as possible. it instead wordpress core blocks if you want to have maximum perfomance

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